Converging Streams: Interfaith Fellowship in Our Modern World…
is a series of Interfaith radio programs that were initially produced by the Muncie Interfaith Fellowship and The Unitarian Universalist Church of Muncie between 2004 and 2005, with occasional additional content being added since then. While no longer in regular production, we are proud to offer through a podcast our entire back catalogue of programming.
Dialogue and Understanding…
The goal of the program is to promote dialogue and ultimately understanding among the diverse faith traditions within the Muncie and greater East Central community, with Rev. George Wolfe of the Muncie Interfaith Fellowship and Rev. Thomas Perchlik, formerly minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Muncie sharing hosting duties. Show topics have included the creation stories of the major world religions, meaning of the National Day of Prayer, understanding Islam, the power of dialogue, interfaith tolerance as expressed in historical religious fiction, the Universalist Story, and the Bahai tradition.
Supported by our Followers…
The mission of Converging Streams continues even as we have transitioned away from new podcast content. Rev. George Wolfe continues to regularly contribute to the Voices of Humanity blog and has recently released a book on his insights to non-violence, in addition to the continued contributions to this site. We appreciate your followership and encourage your feedback to the producers of this site, George Wolfe and Tony Piazza.